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Подсказки по редактированию

  • Video Filter

    You may insert videos from popular video sites by using a simple tag [video:URL].


    • Single video:
    • Random video out of multiple:
    • Override default autoplay setting: [video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uN1qUeId autoplay:1]
    • Override default width and height:
      [video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uN1qUeId width:X height:Y]
    • Align the video:
      [video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uN1qUeId align:right]

    Supported sites: YouTube, Google Video, Tangle, DailyMotion, Eyespot, Revver, Vimeo, Flickr Slideshows, Flickr Video, Game Videos, Meta Cafe, Game Trailers, College Humor, MySpace, Capped, Blip.tv, Slideshare.

    Special instructions:

    Some codecs need special input. You'll find those instructions here.
    • Slideshare:
      You need to construct your own URL, using the "Wordpress Embed" code from Slideshare, extract the "id" and "doc" parts, and form the URL like this: slideshare.net/?id=1759622&doc=usingdrupal-090723103440-phpapp01.
  • BBCode Guide

    BBCode allows you to specify formatting rules for your text, even if you are not allowed to use HTML in your posts. BBCode originated from the forum software named PHPBB, and this site has a special implementation of it.

    In BBCode terms, you use "tags" to add formatting to your text. Every tag is enclosed in [ and ] brackets. If you want to mark some region in your text, you need to use an opening tag and a closing tag. Closing tags start with [/, as you will see in the examples below. If you mistype a tag or forget to close it, you will not get the desired formatting.

    Simple text formatting

    BBCode allows you to make some parts of your texts stand out from the context by adding [b]old, [i]talic, [u]nderlined and [s]trikeout formatting to them. The [color], [size] and [font] tags allow you to change the color, size and font of portions of the text you enclose with these tags. Both require a parameter (which colour, how big, what font) that is suffixed to the name of the tag by an equals sign (example below). You should not repeat the parameter in the closing tag!

    You can specify any recognized color name (red, blue, green, white, etc.) or a hexadecimal color value (#CDCDCD, #FFFFFF, etc.) as the parameter of a [color] tag. The [size] tag allows you to set the font size between 6 and 48, 6 being the smallest size. Note that using very large text is considered by many to be annoying, and it is seldom a good idea to try to attract more attention to your post in this way. The [font] tag can be set to any valid font face, such as Arial, Arial Black, Courier, Courier New, Helvetica, Impact, Times New Roman, Verdana, etc.

    I [b]need to do[/b] this by the weekend I need to do this by the weekend
    John said that [i]we should[/i] ask her John said that we should ask her
    I [u]would not like to[/u] offend you I would not like to offend you
    Let's correct this [s]mispelled[/s] misspelled word Let's correct this mispelled misspelled word
    Jane was at [color=blue]the coast[/color] Jane was at the coast
    Joe was in [color=#FF0000]the forest[/color] Joe was in the forest
    You said: [size=30]HEY![/size] You said: HEY!
    She said: [font=Courier]What?[/font] She said: What?

    Creating links

    You have multiple options to specify links to other destinations in your posts.

    URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) starting with "www" or "ftp" (eg. www.example.com) are automatically recognized and replaced with links. You can also use the [url] tag with a parameter to specify a link with meaningful text to click on. If you use the url tag without the parameter, the enclosed text is assumed to be a URL, and a link is created to that destination.

    Email addresses in posts are also automatically converted to email links. For compatibility with common BBCode implementations, an [email] tag is provided.

    For more examples, visit www.example.com For more examples, visit www.example.com
    For more examples, visit http://example.com For more examples, visit http://example.com
    If you have questions ask me at joe@example.com If you have questions ask me at joe@example.com
    If you have questions ask me at [email]joe@example.com[/email] If you have questions ask me at joe@example.com
    We use [url=http://example.com/]the example site[/url] in these examples We use the example site in these examples
    We use [url]http://example.com/[/url] in these examples We use http://example.com/ in these examples

    Displaying images

    The [img] tag allows you to display an image in your post. You need to specify a URL to the image, so it needs to be accessible somewhere on the internet. Beware of adding very large images to your text, or the page will load very slowly!

    If you enclose a URL in an [img] tag, then it will be replaced with code to display the image. For example A good screenshot: [img]http://example.com/screenshot.png[/img] will show you the screenshot (if it exists).

    You can also specify the desired display dimensions of the image by adding a dimension parameter to the [img] tag. A good screenshot: [img=640x480]http://example.com/screenshot.png[/img] will display the image in 640x480 (though the full image will be downloaded). Do not use this to show a thumbnail of an image!

    You are free to link an image to an external destination by enclosing the [img] tag with a [url] tag: See [url=http://example.com][img]http://example.com/screenshot.png[/img][/url].

    Ordered and unordered lists

    The simplest list type is the unordered list, which means that there is no numbering applied to the elements. You can make such a list by enclosing the list elements in [list] opening and closing tags. Specify the start of one element with the [*] list element marker, which has no closing tag pair.

    To create an ordered list, you should add a parameter to the [list] list tag specifying what type of ordered list you would like to see. The possible parameters are "i", "I", "1", "a", "A", "c", "d" and "s" which all correspond to the display of the first list element.

    I love
    I love
    • Oranges
    • Apples
    • Bananas
    I love
    I love
    1. Oranges
    2. Apples
    3. Bananas
    I love
    I love
    1. Oranges
    2. Apples
    3. Bananas

    Fixed-width text and block formatting

    You can use the [code] tag to add an inline fixed-width formatted part or to add a block of (usually program) code. If there is any newline present between the opening and closing tags, then a block will be displayed.

    Similarly, the [php] tag can be used to post PHP code. PHP code will automatically be syntax highlighted for easier readability.

    Edit your [code]robots.txt[/code] file Edit your robots.txt file
    An HTML title example:
     <title>Page Title</title>
    An HTML title example:
     <title>Page Title</title>
    Some PHP code:
    function hello()
      echo "Hello World!";
    Some PHP code:
    function hello()
    "Hello World!";

    Text and block alignment

    You can also set the alignment of the text by using [left], [right] and [center] tags. The [float] tag can be used to place floating boxes in the text (especially handy for images). You can specify the direction of the floating with [float=left] and [float=right]. The [justify] tag can be used justify text on both sides of the page.

    Other supported tags

    It is possible to quote something that has already been posted, by just putting [quote][/quote] tags around it. To quote a specific person, use something like [quote=John]. Quote tags can be nested.

    The [sub] and [sup] tags can be used to add subscript and superscript text. For example, H[sub]2[/sub]O gives H2O, while X[sup]3[/sup] gives X3.

    The [acronym] tag allow you to identify text as an acronym and provide a description when users move their mouse over the tag. For example, [acronym=Structured Query Language]SQL[/acronym] produces SQL.

    The [abbr] tag allow you to identify text as an abbreviation and provide a description when users move their mouse over the tag. For example, [abbr=World Wide Web]WWW[/abbr] produces WWW.

    The [notag] tags prevent text inside the tags from being parsed. This allows you to give examples of BBcode and not have it converted to HTML. For example: [notag]These [b]tags[/b] are not rendered[/notag] will produce "These [b]tags[/b] are not rendered".

    The [hr] tag draws a horizontal line across the page. Handy for separating chunks of text.

    Using multiple formatting tags

    You can apply more than one formatting specification to a portion of some text. I was at [b][i]the coast[/i][/b] will be rendered as I was at the coast.

    Make sure that you take care of the proper order of the opening and closing tags. You should close the tags in the opposite order in which you opened them. Otherwise you might get very strange rendering results. Also check your post with the preview function before submitting it, in case there are formatting errors due to improper BBCode usage.

  • Insert Flickr images: [flickr-photo:id=230452326,size=s] or [flickr-photoset:id=72157594262419167,size=m].The size parameter can be one of the following:
    • s — (Square) 75x75 pixel square
    • t — (Thumbnail) 100 pixels on longest side
    • m — (Small) 240 pixels on longest side
    • - — (Medium) 500 pixels on longest side
    • b — (Large) 1024 pixels on longest side
    • o — (Original) Original image
  • If you include a textual smiley in your post (see chart below), it will be replaced by a graphical smiley.
    :):) :-) :smile:
    ;);) ;-) :wink:
    :(:( :-( :sad:
    :D:D :-D :lol:
    }:)}:) }:-) :evil:
    :P:P :-P :tongue:
    :O:O :-O :shocked:
    :?:? :-? :puzzled:
    8)8) 8-) :cool:
    :sick::sick: :barf:


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Концерты 2024

17.02 Киров
Встреча ВК | Билеты
27.04 Киров
Встреча ВК | Билеты
08.06 Петрозаводск
Resurrection Metal Fest
Встреча ВК | Билеты
02.11 Москва
в поиске
Встреча ВК | Билеты
03.11 Санкт-Петербург
Factory 3
Встреча ВК | Билеты
14.12 Киров
Встреча ВК | Билеты





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    4 года 4 недели назад


Подпишись на нашу рассылку! Stay tuned!

Концерты 2009

07.01 Санкт-Петербург Орландина

21.02 Москва Релакс

20.03 Ухта 3 Club

28.03 Екатеринбург Nirvana

25.04 Санкт-Петербург Арктика

10.05 Киров Победа

29.05 Москва Релакс (Hanzel Und Gretyl support)

11.07 Ижевск Udmurtian Extreme & Alternative Fest

15.08 Москва План Б

29.08 Киров LIVEнь

19.09 Череповец Inferno

20.09 Санкт-Петербург Арктика

29.10 Москва Релакс

31.10 Harderwijk (NL) ESTRADO (Aaltjesrock 2009)

07.11 Киров Победа

18.12 Москва Релакс

25.12 Екатеринбург Nirvana

Концерты 2010

05.02 Москва Релакс

14.02 Санкт-Петербург Арктика

20.03 Москва Релакс

03.04 Киров Победа

29.05 Екатеринбург Нирвана

24.06 Москва ХО

25.06 Санкт-Петербург Арктика

03.07 Ижевск HellMark Open Air

26.09 Ижевск Qwerty

01.10 Нижний Новгород Rocco

30.10 Санкт-Петербург Арктика

26.11 Москва Каста

18.12 Сыктывкар Nemo

24.12 Пермь Pirogi

25.12 Екатеринбург Нирвана

Концерты 2011

21.01 Ижевск Qwerty

13.02 Москва Hleb

14.02 Санкт-Петербург Арктика

16.04 Киров Gaudi Hall

30.04 Санкт-Петербург Money Honey

30.07 Ижевск Улетай 2011 open-air

17.09 Москва Rock House

28.10 Санкт-Петербург Арктика

29.10 Москва Rock House

26.11 Ижевск Qwerty

Концерты 2012

07.01 Ижевск Qwerty

13.01 Москва Relax

11.02 Санкт-Петербург Money Honey

28.04 Киров Gaudi Hall

16.06 Пермь Белые Ночи open-air

20.07 Ижевск Улетай open-air

26.10 Москва Relax

27.10 Санкт-Петербург Арктика

02.11 Екатеринбург Нирвана

30.11 Санкт-Петербург А2 - разогрев SCOOTER!

07.12 Киров Gaudi Hall

Концерты 2013

26.01 Москва Rock House

15.02 Санкт-Петербург Арктика w/NACHTMAHR

22.03 Санкт-Петербург Арктика ЖЕЛЕЗНЫЙ МАРШ

29.03 Челябинск OZZ

30.03 Екатеринбург Нирвана

13.04 Ижевск МЕГА

27.04 Киров Gaudi Hall

04.05 Нижний Новгород Sin City

05.05 Москва Rock House

18.05 Череповец Camelot

19.05 Вологда Оливер

20.07 Ижевск УЛЕТАЙ open-air

04.09 Turku (FI) Klubi

05.09 Tampere (FI) Klubi

06.09 Kuopio (FI) Henry's Pub

07.09 Helsinki (FI) On The Rocks

02.10 Москва Volta w/HANZEL UND GRETYL

03.10 Санкт-Петербург Арктика w/HANZEL UND GRETYL

26.10 Санкт-Петербург Арктика Самый Страшный HALLOWEEN

Концерты 2014

01.03 Киров Gaudi Hall

15.03 Ижевск Qwerty

11.04 Москва Seven

12.04 Рязань Планетарий

30.04 Санкт-Петербург Backstage

19.07 Ижевск, Нечкино УЛЕТАЙ 2014

31.10 Санкт-Петербург Da: Da: HALLOWEEN

01.11 Москва Little Rock HALLOWEEN

02.11 Рязань Планетарий

08.11 Ижевск Qwerty

15.11 Киров Gaudi Hall

13.12 Москва Volta w/AMARANTHE

Концерты 2015

06.02 Санкт-Петербург Phoenix

07.02 Москва Little Rock

21.03 Ижевск Qwerty

10.04 Москва Little Rock

11.04 Рязань Планетарий

25.04 Киров Gaudi Hall

18.06 Рязань Lexy Dance DJ-set

19.06 Москва Lexy Dance DJ-set

27.06 Киров Metal Balls open air

18.07 Ижевск УЛЕТАЙ 2015 open air

01.08 Уржум Fire Fuel open air

31.10 Санкт-Петербург Зал Ожидания

01.11 Москва Mona Club

13.11 Киров Gaudi Hall

20.11 Ижевск Подвал

21.11 Глазов TBA

Концерты 2016

26.03 Москва Rock House

25.05 Москва Volta (c Hanzel und Gretyl)

26.05 Санкт-Петербург Opera (c Hanzel und Gretyl)

25.06 Киров Metal Balls open-air

28.10 Москва Rock House (Haloween)

29.10 Санкт-Петербург Зал Ожидания (Haloween)

17.12 Киров Black Rose

Концерты 2017

15.07 Киров Metal Balls open-air

26.10 Рязань Raz Dva Bar (Все Свои)

27.10 Москва ZIL Arena (Haloween)
Купить билет

28.10 Санкт-Петербург Opera (Haloween)
Купить билет

Концерты 2018

27.10 Санкт-Петербург
OPERA club
Купить билеты
18.11 Киров
Купить билеты

Концерты 2019

02.03 Москва
Rock House
06.07 Кировская область
«Взлётная полоса»
26.10 Санкт-Петербург
Клуб «Opera»
01.11 Екатеринбург
02.11 Челябинск
03.11 Киров

Концерты 2020

30.10 Москва
31.10 Санкт-Петербург
28.11 Киров

Концерты 2022

28.10 Москва
Live Stars
29.10 Санкт-Петербург
Время N
19.11 Киров

Концерты 2023

24.02 Москва
Встреча ВК | Билеты
25.02 Санкт-Петербург
Время N
Встреча ВК | Билеты
27.10 Москва
Twenty One Club
Встреча ВК | Билеты
28.10 Санкт-Петербург
Встреча ВК | Билеты
18.11 Киров
Встреча ВК | Билеты

